
Book Length



Prospective Press is NOT accepting book length manuscripts at this time.


Submitted manuscripts must be original and unpublished. Desirable manuscript lengths are 65k to 100k-words for adult fiction, 60k to 85k for young adult, 45k to 70k for mid-grade, and typically no more than 40k for elementary school age. Pre-reader and Early Reader works are evaluated on a case-by-case basis, but should be of reasonable length.


We are now considering serialized, novella-length fiction. Each installment should have a planned length of between 25k and 40k words.


Read the entire Instructions section below and follow the directions exactly before submitting.


Instructions  for  prospective  Prospective  Press  authors


READ  THESE  INSTRUCTIONS  CAREFULLY.  Incorrectly  formatted  submissions  WILL  NOT BE  READ!


The  subject  line  should  be  formatted  as  such:  Query  for  (genre)  manuscript  (MS  title)  by  (author)  for(target  age),  (word  count)  words.


Submissions  should  be  contained  exclusively  within  the  body  of  the  e-mail  message.  DO  NOT  ATTACH  FILES,  they  will  not  be  opened.  DO  NOT  EMBED  links,  they  will  not  be  followed.  Query  should  consist  of:


1) salutation,  author(s)  name,  tentative  title,  word  count,  prior  publication  record,  and  relevant  contact  information;

2) query  letter  section—neatness  and  form  count—containing  a  short  summary  and  a  long  summary;  and

3) the  first  5,000-words,  no  more  or  less,  of  the  story  (or up to  5,000  for  shorter  works)  embedded  in  the  body  of the  message.


Allow  up to six  weeks  for  a  response  to  unsolicited  submissions  and  four  weeks  for  solicited  submissions.  Multiple  concurrent  submissions  to  the  press  may  be made  so  long  as  only  one  manuscript  is  included  in  each  query.  You  must  inform  us if you  are  concurrently  submitting  your  manuscript  to  other  publishers;  failure  to do so  will  negatively  impact  current  and  future  submissions.


We  read  a  cross  section  of  genre  fiction—in  all  age  ranges:  Elementary,  Mid-grade,  Young  Adult,  and  Adult—and  some  non-fiction.


We  DO  NOT  accept  poetry  (please  see  Press  53),  erotica,  clichéd  romance,  pornography,    mysticism,  devotionals,  miracle  diet  books,  memoirs,  biographies,  fan  fiction,  horror  porn,  or  political  screeds.






We  are  recruiting  short  stories  for  the  following  anthologies.  The  subject  line  should  be  formatted  as  such:


Query for  (MS  title)  by  (author)  (word  count)  words.


Submissions  should  be  contained  exclusively  within  the  body  of  the  e-mail  message.  DO  NOT  ATTACH  FILES,  they  will  not  be  opened.  DO  NOT  EMBED  links,  they  will  not  be  followed.  Query  should  consist  of:


1) salutation,  author(s)  name,  tentative  title,  word  count,  prior  publication  record,  and  relevant  contact  information;

2) query  letter  section—neatness  and  form  count—containing  a  short  summary  and  a  long  summary;  and

3) the  entire  story  embedded  in  the  body  of  the  message.


Due  to  the  volume  of  queries  we  receive,  we  cannot  extend  regrets  to  each  individually;  if  you  have  not  heard  back  within  six  weeks, please assume that we  are  not  interested.


Please don't send us previously printed stories.


We are currently requesting Gothic Horror short stories for Off the Beaten Path 4.

Story length from flash fiction to novelette.

Submit to off.the.beaten.path (at)
prospectivepress (dot) com



Note: all royalties and compensations are processed electronically. We do not issue paper checks.


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