Jason T. Graves

Jason lives in North Carolina with his family and a menagerie of small, domestic animals. He takes his coffee black, and—when he is not editing, tutoring, running his businesses, or conducting mysterious, mad-scientist experiments—he writes mysterious and beautiful fiction.


He is the author of Blood Roses and Morning Stars, the first two books of The Noctivagas Chronicle. The third book, Mars Rising, is in the works. In 2014, his third novel The Alewife: Curse of Obsession was published by a now-defunct North Carolina publisher. It has been published anew as a Prospective Press title. He also penned the paranormal fantasy novella On the Bridge: The Complete Gretchen Thyrd Novella, which is soon to be joined by a Gretchen Thyrd novel, and a Thyrd-universe novelette, Sand and Smoke, for the recently released Badass and the Beast anthology from Timberlane Press. As with most writers, there are also a bunch of other stories simmering on the back burner, soon to be released.



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